That is, even if you are bilingual, there will always be a language that you are more proficient and in which you would like to see any text, and this also applies to operating systems and their user interface. This is always appreciated, because no matter how well we master a language, we all like to see all the text in front of us in our mother tongue or the same in the one we think. The document contains languages (de-CH) for which there is no dictionary installed).About 5 years ago, Apple introduced a good number of new languages to OS X.

Das Dokument enthält Sprachen (de-CH), für die kein Wörterbuch installiert ist" (translated from german: Language not supported. It created the message "Nicht unterstützte Sprachen. Then I started Affinity Publisher 1.8 and told it to spell check. So I opened the path "C:\ProgramData\Affinity\Common\1.0\Dictionaries", created a subdirectory "de_CH" and copied file "de_CH.dic" and "hyph_de_CH.dic" to this subdir. Now restart Affinity Publisher for the dictionaries to appear within the app." You will need to copy your xx_XX.dic, xx_XX.aff and hyph_xx_XX.dic files to the subfolder. You will need to create a subfolder with a name in the format of xx-XX ( substituting xx-XX for the locale id ). The default location is C:\ProgramData\Affinity\Common\1.0\Dictionaries\ but you can change this location by clicking Browse. This location is were additional dictionaries needs to copied to.

" Windows: You can add additional dictionaries and hyphenation dictionaries by going to Edit > Preferences > Tools.

I have been following this help text from Affinity: